Using funds generated by the Rotary District 5000 Foundation Maui Fires Relief effort, the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset presented a check in the amount of $10,000 to support operations at the Pu`uhonua O Nene Shelter. This shelter opened in late September and can house up to 150 Maui Wildfire survivors who were experiencing homelessness before the disaster. The shelter is operated by the non-profit Project Vision in collaboration with the State of Hawaii Department of Human Services. Katie Zimmerman, Community Service Chair for the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset, and members of the club diligently worked many weekends to prepare the site. Club members and friends gathered on the morning of October 29, 2023, to present the check to support the shelter project. After the check presentation all donned their work gear to assist with beautification tasks for of this “Safe Space of Refuge.” The site consists of multiple military-grade tents. Each tent is fully insulated and equipped with cots and other supplies. The site also included medical facilities, showers, and restrooms. This site provides transportation for survivors to and from the site and state-funded disaster case managers are on hand to work with each individual survivor to develop a recovery plan. Projects like these are possible because of the immense support that has been made available from the Rotary District 5000 Foundation’s Maui Fires Relief Fund. For those looking to learn more or support further, please visit RotaryD5000.org/MauiRelief.
PHOTO: Community Service Chair Katie Zimmerman (center in blue shirt) is shown presenting the Maui Fires Relief check to Maya Marquez, Project Vision Hawaii. Members and friends of the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset gathered for the check presentation prior to working to beautify the site.